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Opinion: Why I Shouldn’t Watch TV this Saturday Night

NO prime TV this Saturday

You will know when election time is coming because some weekly drama anthologies would recount the lives of a big-name candidate. I have really nothing against these politicians wanting to have their lives become an open book for the public to feast on and talk about. But please, if you are going to televise it, don’t make it run near—or on—campaign period and don’t make it sound like you’ve gone a lot in life, that your life is so soap-operatic. I bet we common people have been through more than you do, so don’t make us try to feel we’d really be happy to watch your hyped, romanticized biopic. I hope this TV stations always soliciting for true-to-life stories from audience would find time to really look for a tear-jerking material that’s worth watching on a Saturday night. 


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